Why are bat surveys crucial in Ireland? Our island is home to 9 resident bat species, all protected under the Wildlife Acts 1796-2018. Eight of these species are further protected under Annex IV of the Habitats Directive, with the Lesser Horseshoe Bat receiving additional protection under Annex II. This exceptional status necessitates specialised surveys and conservation efforts, particularly for their summer roosts and winter hibernation caves.
Comprehensive Bat Survey Services
At Ash Ecology and Environmental, we specialise in comprehensive bat surveys for all Irish bat species. Our team conducts:
- Evening emergence surveys
- Daytime bat roost assessments
- Bat suitability surveys for buildings slated for demolition or alteration
- Habitat assessments and mitigation planning
Our surveys are designed to:
- Identify bat species present in an area
- Locate and assess potential roost sites
- Determine bat activity levels and patterns
- Evaluate the impact of proposed developments on local bat populations
Advanced Survey Techniques
We employ state-of-the-art equipment to deliver the most accurate and detailed bat surveys, including:
- Batlogger M Echo Meter 2 Pro: Enables swift analysis,
- Thermal Imaging cameras
- High-resolution endoscopes
- Time expansion detectors for accurate analysis of bat calls
These tools allow us to:
- Detect and identify bat species through their echolocation calls
- Locate hidden roost sites in buildings and trees
- Observe bat behaviour without disturbance
- Quantify bat activity levels in different habitats
The Bat Survey Process
Initial Site Assessment: We evaluate the potential for bat presence based on habitat features and building characteristics.
Dusk Emergence / Dawn Re-entry Surveys: Conducted during the active season (May to September) to observe bats leaving or returning to roosts.
Activity Transects: Walking or driving surveys to assess bat foraging and commuting activity across a site.
Static Detector Surveys: Deployment of automated recording devices to collect data on bat activity over extended periods.
Analysis and Reporting: Our experts analyse the collected data and prepare comprehensive reports detailing findings and recommendations.
Conservation and Mitigation
If bats or their roosts are identified, we develop tailored mitigation strategies that may include: Lighting designs to minimize impact on bat commuting routes
If bats or their roosts are identified, we develop tailored mitigation strategies that may include:
- Timing of works to avoid disturbance during sensitive periods
- Creation of alternative roost sites
- Habitat enhancement to improve foraging opportunities
- Lighting designs to minimize impact on bat commuting routes
Our Experience
Ash Ecology has completed recent Bat Surveys and reports for various projects including: Farm development in Cork, House renovation in Tipperary, Farm development in Waterford, Large housing development in Dublin, Road renovation in Limerick. Our team’s extensive experience ensures thorough assessments that comply with all relevant legislation and best practices.
>Contact Us< for Your Bat Survey Needs
Whether you’re planning a renovation, new development, or need to assess bat activity on your property, ensuring compliance with bat protection regulations is essential. Contact us now for a competitive quote for a specialist Bat Survey to be carried out. Our team at Ash Ecology is ready to provide expert guidance and deliver high-quality, comprehensive bat surveys tailored to your project’s needs.