An Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) can be a stand-alone report or can be incorporated into a more comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) as a Biodiversity Chapter.

What is the Difference between an Appropriate Assessment / Natura Impact Statement and an Ecological Impact Assessment?

While an EcIA can incorporate elements of a AA and NIS report it also considers the wider scope of protected species in Ireland, and while a AA and NIS have emphasis on species and habitats protected by EU legislation (the Habitats Directive), other species such as Badger, our 9 resident Bat Species, Pine Marten, Red Squirrel are all protected under the Wildlife Acts (1976 to 2018) (but may also be listed on EU legislation).

Ecological Impact Assessment

Contact us now for a competitive quote for an EcIA to be carried out.

Ash Ecology has recently written chapters for EIAR reports in projects located in Waterford, Kilkenny and Tipperary