Why are bat surveys crucial in Ireland? Our island is home to 9 resident bat species, all protected under the Wildlife Acts 1796-2018. Eight of these species are further protected under Annex IV of the Habitats Directive, with the Lesser Horseshoe Bat receiving additional protection under Annex II. This exceptional status necessitates specialised surveys and conservation efforts, particularly for their summer roosts and winter hibernation caves.

At Ash Ecology and Environmental, we specialise in comprehensive bat surveys for all Irish bat species. Our team conducts:

  1. Evening emergence surveys
  2. General bat activity assessments
  3. Bat suitability surveys for buildings slated for demolition or alteration
  4. Habitat assessments and mitigation planning

We employ state-of-the-art equipment to deliver the most accurate and detailed bat surveys including: Batlogger M, Echo Meter 2 Pro, AnaBat Swift meters; Thermal imaging cameras; High-resolution endoscopes; Time expansion detectors for detailed analysis of bat calls

Contact us now for a competitive quote for a Specialist Bat Survey to be carried out.

Ash Ecology has completed recent Bat Surveys and reports for various projects including – house renovation in Tipperary, farm development in Waterford, large housing development in Dublin, house renovation in Limerick, apartment development in Cork